Conscious Deconditioning

A journey to become aware of and take responsibility for your triggers and your reactions. Ultimately you will become an empowered version of yourself who can choose to enjoy the rat race.

EMAAA is the place where corporate deconditioning takes place. Corporate deconditioning means a journey to become aware of the conditioning created within you throughout your career and reflected in the patterns you use every day, the triggers and the reactions you have.

You will emerge from this journey empowered to perform brilliantly, taking responsibility for the what, the how and the why you do the work you do, creating a positive workplace that you are able to enjoy as well.

It took us 10 years to walk ourselves through these processes, learning and trying, struggling and succeeding, to come up with the 3 big steps that lead to deconditioning. Each step is a necessary phase walking you through the change in your life, based on tested and validated tools.

Step 1

Self awareness at work

Triggers, overwhelm and boundaries, where is your NO? No to too much work, No to more responsibilities, No to less joy, No to limited job satisfaction

“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”


5 weeks module includes:

  • Sessions: 1 x LIVE Per Week + 1 LIVE Q&A session per week = 10 live meetings
  • 1 x Live Hypnotherapy session also available as recording to listen daily for 21 days
  • 6 practical tools to use daily including breathing, energetic meditations, energy tools + TRE (Tension/Trauma release exercise) + Feldenkrais ATM
  • Downloadable workbook with exercises
  • Access to Self awareness Facebook group, where you can ask us questions and check in with other people doing the same course.


  • Improve your relationships with yourself and others
  • Understand better how you can create a good day for yourself
  • Enhance all your relationships: family/friends/work
  • Start a dialogue with yourself
  • Boost your listening skills, intuition and speed of reaction
  • Recognise and manage your automatic reactions


  1. Week 1 – Understand your baseline: noticing your thoughts, emotions, body signals
  2. Week 2 – Understand your Triggers: What is triggering you? Do you recognize your triggers and how do they serve you?
  3. Week 3 – Learn to set Boundaries and say NO
  4. Week 4 – IDENTIFY your Masks: Do you know the automatic masks you engage depending on the situation
  5. Week 5 – What IS YOUR EMA (Emotional Mental Awareness)EMA and Money, Status/position, Relationships(Colleagues/ Manager)

Step 2

Radical Responsibility

Healthy  boundaries, when do you respond and when do you react? Owning your decisions, dealing with your fear (of losing your job/position/respect), affirming your needs, smashing your challenges

“Responsibility is accepting that you are the cause and the solution of the matter”


5 week module includes

  • Sessions: 1 x LIVE Per Week + 1 LIVE Q&A session per week = 10 live meetings
  • 1 x Live Hypnotherapy session also available as recording to listen daily for 21 days
  • 6 practical tools to use daily including breathing, energetic meditations, energy tools + TRE (Tension/Trauma release exercise) + Feldenkrais ATM
  • Downloadable workbook with exercises
  • Access to Radical Responsibility Facebook group, where you can ask us questions and check in with other people doing the same course.

Being responsible MEANS owning your:

  • good/bad decisions
  • reactions to the environment
  • relationships
  • internal space
  • your NO and your YES
  • behaviour regardless of what comes your way in terms of situations/people/challenges
  • emotions

Dealing with your fear

Validating ALSO your negative emotions

Taking full responsibility of everything that’s going on around you

Start working with energetic tools


Week 1 – Being a victim

How does it impact your? Does it help you or not?

Week 2 – EMA – Becoming the Observer

Seeing each situation from different perspectives

Week 3 – Own your emotions

Separate emotions from facts

Week 4 – React vs Respond

Automatic reactions vs. planned responses

Week 5 – Learn how to set healthy boundaries

Step 3


Self-regulation, amazing coping skills, how do you show up as your real you?  Manifesting the life you want -vulnerability, confidence, certainty, self-assurance

“Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power”

Lao Tzu

5 weeks module includes:

  • Sessions: 1 x LIVE Per Week + 1 LIVE Q&A session per week = 10 live meetings
  • 1 x Live Hypnotherapy session also available as recording to listen daily for 21 days
  • 6 practical tools to use daily including breathing, energetic meditations, energy tools + TRE (Tension/Trauma release exercise) + Feldenkrais ATM
  • Downloadable workbook with exercises
  • Access to Deconditioning Facebook group, where you can ask us questions and check in with other people doing the same course.

Deconditioning is about:

  • The concept of HOLDING THE SPACE – Let’s talk about it!
  • Creating a base of seniority/power
  • Giving/receiving/asking feedback
  • Finding freedom within the boundaries of a workplace
  • Being kind to yourself = treat yourself as king/queen
  • It’s ok to show vulnerability
  • The value of being authentic



What does it mean and how it affects you

Week 2 – Projecting and understanding

The power of scenarios in your head


The power of letting go


The power of giving yourself permission to…


The power of choice